EPF member check the PF balance by SMS or the missed call number

"How to know PF balance" with UAN number

> EPFO member check the PF balance by SMS or the missed call.

> PF balance check by SMS can be done by sending an Text SMS to 7738299899 from a registered mobile number.

> The Text SMS format is ‘EPFOHO UAN’. EPFO will reply to the SMS with the sender's PF balance. (EPF Balance वाले मैसेज में ऊपर में 12 डिजिट का जो PF नंबर रहता है वही UAN नंबर है।)

> An EPFO subscriber can also get their PF or EPF balance by giving a missed call on 011-22901406 from the registered mobile number

इसे भी पढ़ें: Download EPF पासबुक स्टेटमेंट।

How to check PF balance without UAN  

1. The PF or EPF account holder needs to log in on the EPFO home page http://epfindia.gov.in/

2. Press the 'click here to know your PF balance' button  

3. After the click, the EPFO member will be redirected to a new page to fill details 

4. Enter your state, EPF office, establishment code, PF account number and other details.

5. Click on the acknowledgement button and the 'I agree' option

5. Your PF or EPF balance will be displayed on the screen

6. Once you are logged-in to your EPF account, you can find details on the EPF contribution done by you and your employer and even past employers.